Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 30, 2012

One of the interesting things which my thrift-shopping friends and I have discovered, is that there is no place like home for great thrift shops! We have traveled to many areas of Florida seeking out gems and treasures, and have always found that our own area really does have the best thrift shops.

Genuine Eelskin Purse - $4.99
One of my favorite things to hunt for while thrift-shopping is vintage children's books. Much of the childrens literature which has been published in the last forty years has been sadly lacking in the imagination, and rich illustrations found in many of our childrens books from many decades ago. 
Here are some of my favorites in my collection!

by Holling C. Holling
True 1st Edition
bought for a quarter!

Beautiful illustrations

The classic Make Way for Ducklings... 0.50

These comforting brown illustrations zoom me right back to my childhood!

The Boy Jesus... vintage hardcover. Can't remember what I paid for this one. I've had it a long time!

Though Goodwill and Salvation Army have excellent bargains and finds, I love the small thrift stores at our local churches. Time is needed to hunt through the racks and shelves, but I nearly always come out with some little treasure or other. I have found that one of our local charity thrifts has started pricing goods according to their internet searches, which means you are not likely to get a real treasure without paying for it! Very disappointing approach for we thrifters, though maybe they raise more money that way. I hope it is not the wave of the future.

October 28, 2012

Here are a few more items I have found over the years which I have kept in my personal collection.

Small Fontanini Italian Creche or Manger. $4.99.
Measures about 12" long and 10" deep.

Purchased for $35.00 - this is an original signed painting on
what appears to be silk! Loved the old gilt frame as well.
These are a couple of old Italian prints.
I have been unable to find out anything about them, but
love the shabbiness about them. Purchased for $20.00.

Old, hand-tooled leather-bound Webster's Dictionary.
We don't use this as a resource, but they look lovely gracing
my shabby black bookshelf in my office.
Purchased for $2.00 each.
Old German Christmas Pyramid
bought for $2.99
broken piece fixed by my husband and a bit of glue!
American Girl "knock-off" for $20.00
(normally $125-$150!)
Vintage Gown $7.99
Vintage 1980's Fisher Price Adventure Play Set
Framed Eiffel Tower Print
Just liked the simplicity of this and
the frame matched our bedroom furniture.
Old Display Case - perfect for my nurse's hat,
Bible, and Student Nurse Pin.
I even found a Florence Nightingale style lamp to go with it!
Case - $2.99
Lamp .99
I'll try to upload more finds later this week. I found a few things today while shopping which I want to share with you as well! More to come...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

October 27, 2012

As with all maiden voyages, there is a lot of excitement upon initiating a new adventure. Thrift shopping has been my love for many years, and when I decided to write a blog featuring all my ridiculously delightful "finds", I jumped right in!

If you are looking for fashion, this is not the place to be. Clothing is a very small part of my shopping addiction, and usually only if something deliciously vintage catches my eye! Here are a few of my treasures from past thrift shopping forays.

Vintage Sewing Box purchased for $19.99

Interior of Sewing Box

Slick Vintage Purse - $4.99

Retro Glass Display Cabinet - $30.00

So check back often as I update with my treasures and great buys... from antique books, to kitchenware, to home decor, to accessories, nothing is safe when you Live to Thrift!